Air Freight – Help Airlines And Forwarders To Serve You Better

TweetIntroduction: Air Freight, Airlines and Freight Forwarders Air freight points to speed and fast processing. Your cargo needs to fly on time to arrive on time. Freight forwarders and airlines are your partners and you can certainly help them in getting your freight flown on time. A freight forwarder can give better services, when you … Read more

Air Freight: Cargo Handling and Terminals

TweetIntroduction Air Freight Terminals This is a very small article and it tries to give an idea of air cargo handling to those who have no idea about the world of air cargo.  A lot of cargo is transported by airlines, and passengers barely notice the cargo that is accompanying them on their flight. Air … Read more

Air Freight: Dangerous Goods

Tweet                     Introduction To Dangerous Goods Dangerous Goods in air cargo shipping (air freight) are  those goods that are hazardous in different ways to the environment and the world in general. Such goods have been classified into 9  classes with some of the classes having sub-divisions … Read more

Air Freight Cost : The Costs Involved in Flying Goods?

Tweet Introduction To Air Freight Cost Factors Air freight is expensive. There is no second opinion to that statement. Expensive is not the only adjective that can be applied to this mode of transport, quick is another term that can be aptly used. Air freight cost factors are quite a few. In a fast moving … Read more